Feeding Therapy Programs

Following the initial contact, one of the following Therapy Programs may be recommended depending on your child’s goals and family needs.

You can choose whether you would prefer the therapy sessions to be via:

Telehealth: $193.99/session includes 45min session and written summary with strategies and plan

Face to face: $193.99/session includes 45min session and written summary with strategies and plan at our clinic space at Merewether (NSW 2291, Tuesday’s)

Hourly rate subject to change in line with the NDIS price guides. Subject to availability. Therapy sessions are only scheduled during the school term. Session payment is due at the appointment or will be invoiced and payable prior to following appointment. Appointments that are cancelled within 24hrs of scheduled appointment will be invoiced.

Programs we offer

The Power of Video Block

This therapy block is usually an 8 session weekly block. Your child will attend with you on the first session and then fortnightly. Each session with your child will be videoed. On the alternate fortnight, the caregiver only will attend where we will review the video from the previous session and strategize together on the next steps forward to reaching your child’s feeding goals.

We will decide together at each caregiver only session what food needs to be brought to the following session.

4 Session Therapy Block

This therapy block is ideal for families that are looking for some extra strategies and tips to inspire mealtime love and short term, achievable goals. It is often completed in the absence of the child, after the first one or two sessions.

The sessions of this therapy block may be scheduled weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on your child’s goals and family needs.

8 Session Therapy Block

This therapy block is a fun therapy block that inspires the child to interact with food, in their time and when they are ready. You and your child will learn strategies to introduce new foods, and “rehearse” these in the safe environment of the therapy sessions to build confidence and skills so you can be successful at home when the therapist is not present.

This therapy block consists of weekly appointments and requires the attendance and interaction of the child and a caregiver at every session. At the end of each session, we will agree on the food required for the next session.

What next?

On completing a therapy block we like to give you a little time for your child to consolidate the skills they learn and for you to fully utilise the “new tool box” you have developed for relaxed and happy mealtimes. For this reason, we will usually recommend some time off between therapy blocks, this could be a few weeks or a whole term. This is a good time for your child to focus on other therapy goals they might be working on with their regular OT or other health professionals while their home feeding routine continues without so much attention.

All our sessions are completed by a registered Occupational Therapist and will be invoiced accordingly meaning that you may be able to seek funding assistance - refer to our funding page under Services.

For more information please refer your child and we will be in touch to chat about your options and whether one of these programs will be suitable for your child.